About Us

Mythodics History

2 humans + 2 dogs + 1 cat = 5 hearts devoted to providing you with all-natural, handmade products to make you feel and smell a little better.


The brains and brawn behind our little passion project. Full-time wrangler of 4 sweet dudes. Part-time bath connoisseur.


Just an enthusiast with a passion for quality products with simple ingredients. I hope we can share a little of our happiness with everyone that comes here!


Dad got me when I was 6 months old. When we got home I saw that I had a mom and brother, too! My brother is a good role model. So, when he agreed to help I did, too! I know only love so customer service seemed perfect for this pup to help out!


Mom adopted me from the shelter when I was three. Then mom met dad and I gained a new brother. Mom and Dad started this shop and asked us to co-captain customer service. I may be scared of storms, but when it comes to people I am the pup for you!


I am the newbie to the family. I was voluntold to help. The peer pressure and bribing of food were enough to coax anyone to action.